Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas <div class="cuerpo"> <p>Nuestra región vive procesos de cambios políticos y sociales que actualizan las preguntas sobre los caminos que tomarán las actuales coaliciones de gobierno. La agenda de género y las demandas por la efectivización de derechos diversos –en muchos casos ya establecidos en nuestras legislaciones pero con cumplimientos lentos y deudas persistentes– están activas. Las mediciones indican que las distancias económicas entre sectores de mayores y menores ingresos se acortaron desde el inicio del nuevo milenio, pero la brecha sigue siendo enorme y vergonzosa y los signos más recientes no son alentadores. La pobreza afecta a millones y millones de personas y la disminución de los últimos años parece haberse detenido. Estas condiciones adquieren rasgos particulares en nuestras metrópolis, en las que se reviven las disputas por el suelo urbano y las viviendas siempre son escasas y de mala calidad para los más pobres, muchos de ellos migrantes.</p> <p>Frente a estas descripciones que podríamos ampliar y profundizar,&nbsp;<em>Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas</em> representa un compromiso de trabajo que busca incluir a académicos,&nbsp;investigadores y expertos, a funcionarios y a decisores políticos de diversa escala. La tarea incluye desde movilizar debates y revisar lecturas, definiciones y categorizaciones sobre nuestros problemas, nuestras preguntas y nuestras políticas e intervenciones hasta compartir experiencias de gestión que puedan ser un aporte para los procesos cotidianos e interpelen nuestros espacios de formación académica y profesional.</p> <p>La publicación de la revista es, entonces, también, una oportunidad para compartir ideas y para participar de las diversas redes que contribuyen en la movilización de las agendas de políticas sociales y bienestar en nuestros países y en nuestras ciudades.</p> <br>ISSN 2545-7977</div> <div class="cuerpo">&nbsp;</div> <div class="cuerpo">&nbsp;</div> es-ES (Ciudadanías RPSU) (Editores Ciudadanías RPSU) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Indice <p><strong>Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas </strong></p> <p><strong>Los cuidados de las personas mayores en América Latina y el Caribe.</strong></p> <p><strong>Número 13</strong></p> <p><strong>Segundo semestre 2023</strong></p> Ciudadanías RPSU Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Presentación dosier. El cuidado de las personas mayores en América Latina y el Caribe <p>Los cuidados de larga duración constituyen un reto para el siglo XXI, debido al incremento de la longevidad y de las necesidades de cuidado. Aunque los años ganados a la vida son, en general, en buena salud y se retrasa de hecho la edad de llegar a la vejez, lo cierto es que la duración de los cuidados aumenta, devienen más intensos y complejos y afectan a más personas. Esto viene acompañado de importantes cambios demográficos y sociales.</p> Dolors Comas-d’Argemir, Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Las personas mayores y la igualdad de género en las propuestas de sistemas nacionales de cuidado en América Latina y el Caribe: Una discusión necesaria <p>For more than a decade, care has integrated the public agendas of governments in the Latin American and Caribbean region. States have begun to recognize that the care model focused on family and feminized provision is unfair and inefficient. They also assume that care represents a structural node of social and gender inequalities.</p> <p>Different countries are designing and debating the implementation of national care systems, which seek to reorganize the provision of care under the rights and gender equality approach in terms of services and benefits, but also with respect to the conditions in which carers provide care, both paid and unpaid. Older people who require care are one of the target populations of these systems under construction. For them, the social organization of care is practically family-oriented for most of the population. This article reflects on the approach to care for older people in the current debate on national care systems in the Latin American region from a gender and rights approach. To do this, it analyses the public policy instruments created and implemented, as well as those designed in the proposals under discussion, their conceptions of the elderly and their policies regarding defamiliarization and defeminization of care.</p> Karina Batthyány, Valentina Perrotta Copyright (c) 2024 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:13:31 +0000 El cuidado. La evolución de un concepto teórico que transita a lo empírico, la producción de evidencia y la aplicación de las políticas <p>The discussion on care issues has evolved with great force in recent decades. Much of this evolution is due to discussions about the sexual division of labor and the gender perspective from feminism, the aging of the population, as well as the relevance of the life course and human rights approach. Added to this is also the focus on intersectionality and accumulated inequalities that we believe should be integrated into the current discussion of care. Although somewhat disconnected from the theoretical discussion, in the case of Mexico, technical and statistical advances have significantly contributed new evidence that strengthens the issue of care. Surveys on time use and studies on national accounts or satellite accounts draw special attention. Likewise, the intentions to build national, comprehensive, or public care systems have established the rights approach as a substantive orientation that puts people at the center of the models to be built. This article seeks to highlight these dialogues and attempts to connect them to contribute to the complexity of the debate. It is written with the aim of seeking alliances not only among academic, making decision groups but also with civil society organizations in an interactive, interdisciplinary environment. where renewed epistemologies are built.</p> Verónica Montes de Oca Zavala, María Concepción Arroyo Rueda , Francisco Javier González Cordero Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ¿Quién cuida a las personas mayores con dependencia en Argentina? <p>The article examines the social resources available, according to the different levels of dependency that can arise at this stage of life, to put together the necessary care arrangements for the elderly in Argentina. In this sense, it analyses the role of the state and the market in the provision of care services, as well as the advantages and potential of the community sector. The preponderance of family care for this population is highlighted, as well as the gender and class inequalities that this situation entails, due to the limitations in coverage and access that these forms of provision entail. The text concludes with some final reflections that raise questions and challenges for the definition of a comprehensive care system that adequately addresses the needs of older people in the country.</p> Eleonor Faur, Francisca Pereyra Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Las Políticas de cuidado a la vejez en Argentina desde la perspectiva de los Derechos Humanos <p>Long-term care is considered a human right for Latin American and Caribbean countries, given that since 2015 the region has had the Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Older Persons. Argentina ratified the convention in 2017 and gave it constitutional hierarchy in 2022. These policies in Argentina are mainly carried out by the National Institute of Social Services for Retired and Pensioners (PAMI), which has 5 million affiliated people of which 4.6 million are over 60 years old. At the end of 2019, these policies were prioritized by creating the Secretariat of Human Rights, Community Gerontology, Gender and Care Policies, with a Care Policies Management and three vice-managers (community care, institutional care and psychosocial support and care). Since then, not only has the coverage increased, but also the regulations have been changed to improve the quality of the services provided, framing them within the framework of the Human Rights set forth in the Convention.</p> Mónica Roqué Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Los cuidados a personas mayores en Cuba en un contexto de crisis estructural y de refamiliarización de la política social <p>In this chapter we will analyze the changes in regulations and social policy due to the structural reforms implemented in recent years, the current caregiving services focusing on older adults, and community initiatives from civil society in Cuba. We will discuss their main characteristics as well as the predominant approaches. For the analysis we will use the data available from official sources, the map of care initiatives prepared by Cuido60, and public documents about creating a national caregiving system in Cuba.</p> Elaine Acosta González, Maria Alejandra Lache Muchicon , Lilian Rosa Burgos Martínez Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Políticas de cuidado en la vejez en Costa Rica <p>Costa Rica is part of the Latin American and Caribbean Region, specifically the Central American area. By 2022, its total population amounts to more than five million people according to the National Household Survey (ENAHO). In recent decades, its population structure has been changing very rapidly, with an accelerated increase in the number and proportion of people aged sixty-five and over, in comparison to other age groups.</p> <p>The accelerated aging process that the country presents poses enormous challenges in the generation of institutional and community actions that provide answers to the needs and requirements of older persons. It has been shown that one of the solutions has to do with support networks that offer care and attention services to this population group from a human rights perspective.</p> <p>In the article Old Age Care Policies in Costa Rica: Experience of Good Practices, an overview of the country's situation is shown, as well as the advances and realities in old-age care from the perspective of human rights. This article also deals with the experience of good practices through the implementation of the Progressive Care Network for the Integrated Care of Older Adults in Costa Rica (Care Network) and the challenges faced in caring for older persons.</p> <p>The implementation and development of a Care Network confirms the importance of community work, multi-stakeholder in essence with a willingness to work as a team and the firm conviction that the rights of older persons are strengthened, especially their security, independence, autonomy and self-determination.</p> Emiliana Rivera Meza Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Familismo, obligaciones filiales y género: Representaciones socioculturales del cuidado de personas mayores en Chile <p>This article sought to describe comparatively the beliefs about filial obligations that Chile, familialism country, has, and to determine how the association between gender and socioeconomic level, from an intersectional approach, can affect the beliefs about these obligations. It is evident that both Chile and the Latin American region present high levels of agreement with the responsibility of children to care for their parents, while Chilean women with lower incomes and inactive at work also have a higher assessment of this duty.</p> María Beatriz Fernández Lorca Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Lógicas de atención para personas mayores. Un análisis comparado de las políticas de cuidados en Argentina y España <p>Demographic ageing is a challenge for societies to guarantee access to care and to improve social welfare and health systems in order to improve the quality of life for old persons. In Argentina and Spain, family ties play a preponderant role in the care of old persons where a familistic model of welfare provision prevails, which delegates the care to the women in the family. This paper aims to compare care policies for old persons in Argentina and Spain, taking into account the Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for People in a Situation of Dependence (LAPAD) in Spain and the recent draft Law on Equal Care ( Integral Care Policy System of Argentina).</p> María Paula Lehner, Estefanía Cirino, María Teresa Martín Palomo, Liliana Findling, María Pía Venturiello Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hacia una agenda de cuidados específica para las personas mayores. <p>Care is currently a central issue under public discussion in social welfare systems for elderly people in Latin America and the Caribbean. This paper aims at reflecting on the specific challenges that the rights of elderly people imply in these region’s agendas. In this context, and from the perspective of an academic reflective article, a documentary review is carried out in the light of a theoretical perspective that incorporates complementary interdisciplinary perspectives such as: sociology, anthropology, critical gerontology and care economy, where this paper focuses on the analysis of the evolution of the public agenda, the tensions and contradictions of the INCS (Integrated National Care System) in Uruguay as an emblematic case in the region. This is done by the identification of critical issues and challenges regarding care policies in this context. This article ends by providing some reflections and findings towards its raising awareness and improvement.</p> Adriana Rovira, Florencia Picasso Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Sacar los cuidados del armario de la heterosexualidad. <p>This article aims to highlight the role of sexuality as key to thinking about care and ageing, in a context that encapsulates care within the family, heterosexuality as a political regime (Wittig, 1992). From an ethnographic work carried out between March and May 2023, with a group of lesbians in the city of Buenos Aires, we will see how social class, family relationships and experiences as non-paid family caregiver can influence care strategies and ageing. We will also explore the importance of spaces of sociability, groups of friends, sexuality and socializing practices to understanding ageing and care.</p> Julia Chrétien Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Cuidar a mayores y dependientes en tiempos de la Covid‑19. Lo que nos ha enseñado la pandemia. Dolors Comas-d’Argemir y Sílvia Bofill-Poch (Editoras) <p><em>Lo que nos ha enseñado la pandemia</em>, publicado por la editorial Tirant Humanidades. En su conjunto, esta obra proporciona un análisis exhaustivo sobre el impacto de la pandemia en el sistema de cuidado español, y aporta una valiosa visión integral y crítica de las complejas dinámicas que rodean el cuidado de personas mayores. Se examina el empleo en el sector, las iniciativas comunitarias, la labor de las personas cuidadoras familiares, los servicios de proximidad y los centros residenciales, y se destacan aspectos fundamentales, tales como cuestiones de género, interseccionalidad, vulnerabilidad, desigualdad y precariedad.</p> Christian Arias Copyright (c) 2023 Ciudadanías. Revista de Políticas Sociales Urbanas Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000