¡Otra historia! Desacatos. Prácticas artísticas femeninas 1835-1938

How to Cite

Gluzman, G. G. (2019). ¡Otra historia! Desacatos. Prácticas artísticas femeninas 1835-1938. Estudios Curatoriales. Retrieved from http://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/rec/article/view/762

This review analyzes some aspects of a pioneer exhibition in the Latin American Art: Desacatos. Female artistic practices 1835-1938. In the first place, we made some reflections on theoretical and methodological aspects, and then, we analyze aspects of the historical research. Finally, we highlight the challenges of such a project, valuing its contributions to a renewed Art History, as well as the future developments that it allows to imagine.