Encuentros Sur Global. Episodio I: Concentración

How to Cite

Qualina, F. (2019). Encuentros Sur Global. Episodio I: Concentración. Estudios Curatoriales. Retrieved from http://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/rec/article/view/771

This review analyzes the Encuentros Sur Global organized by Untref, a series of talks in which artists, critics, curators and collectors from different regions of the world presented their works and methodologies. The talks work as reflective exercises that are part of the Bienal Sur Global program, biennial to be held next year in Buenos Aires. Each meeting was open to the public and was streamed, available at http://bienalsur.org/en/activities. This text addresses the interventions of art historians Nayla Tamraz and Gabriela Siracusano and artists Eduardo Basualdo, Paulo Nazareth, Voluspa Jarpa and Cristina Piffer.