La ProfeBot, un chat para la educación
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The ProfeBot

How to Cite

Rodríguez Lima, M., & Martínez Rodríguez, J. (2021). La ProfeBot, un chat para la educación. INNOVA UNTREF. Revista Argentina De Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(8). Retrieved from


This ChatBot use technologies based on artificial intelligence, user friendly and freely accessible to students. They greatly contribute to interactive learning. ChatBots offers the possibility of continuous improvement of the tool. In addition, they promote the updating of content in the increasing challenges of the new millennium where didactic methods evolve along with technology.

We have created the ProfeBot, which is presented for the consultation of the fundamental concepts known in the first year of the Degree in Civil Protection and Emergencies, in the Risk Scenarios course. These concepts are implemented by other subjects so that they are always a reason for consultation by all our students.

It has 3509 questions available to cover the possible spectrum of consultation combined with the professional aptitude personality of the robot.

Starting from a conceptual tree it branches out to the particular concepts, it establishes the structure for navigation. The ProfeBot has 7 levels according to the conceptual relationships and possible queries to be solved.

It was implemented with the use of different computer resources available for free on the web.

PDF (Español (España))