Estudio de modelos de calidad utilizados por operadores logísticos
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How to Cite

Kadener, L., Repetto, H., López Libertella , A. M., & Moltedo, C. (2022). Estudio de modelos de calidad utilizados por operadores logísticos. INNOVA UNTREF. Revista Argentina De Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(9). Retrieved from


The present study seeks to investigate, in the field of logistics operators, the alignment (and subsequent certification by external organizations) with good practices recognized worldwide, such as Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management Systems, National Quality Awards, among other standards.

The analyzed sector is already established regarding the implementation and certification of Management Systems –especially those regarding quality–, applying the ISO 9001 standard and the one proposed by CEDOL (Chamber that groups the main logistics operators in the country). The National Quality Award model is still under-implemented and relatively unknown by the analyzed sector. It is understood the main reason for this is its low widespread dissemination and that it does not represent –like ISO 9001– an almost mandatory requirement for the operation, both required by the clients and by the parent companies of those international operators.

However, it is believed that the implementation of the ISO 9001 standard along with CEDOL can be a gateway that paves the way for Logistics Operators to be aligned with the bases of the National Quality Award. Meanwhile, chambers, customers, suppliers and other interested parties should establish actions aimed at disseminating this model and its clearly proven benefits.

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