Trayectorias de formación de investigadores en el nordeste argentino: condiciones pedagógicas y políticas

  • Miriam Liset Flores CONICET UNNE
Keywords: Training for Research, Education, Policies, Northeast Argentina


The objective of this work is to reconstruct the training trajectories of doctors dedicated to the field of education who have participated in recent years in scholarship programs financed by CONICET or by the universities of the NEA region. The pedagogical accompaniment of the directors is specifically attended from the voices of those who have been thesis students. From a qualitative perspective, the voices of ten doctors who have undergone training within the framework of research grants are taken up, data from official documents and statistics offered by CONEAU, SPU, CONICET and the university were also analyzed. The results show the growth process in the region given the latest research promotion policies with federal criteria, although certain aspects remain to be improved. From the formative aspect, the pedagogical accompaniment of the thesis directors and fellow scholarship holders who constitute the main supporters of the formative process stands out.

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How to Cite
Flores, M. L. (2023). Trayectorias de formación de investigadores en el nordeste argentino: condiciones pedagógicas y políticas. RAES - Revista Argentina De Educación Superior, (27), 127-143. Retrieved from
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