Relevance of accompaniment to university entrants. Contextualized tutorial actions

  • Diana Lis Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Carolina Tarayre Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, IIESS, UNS-CONICET, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Keywords: Tutoring-University-Accompaniment-First Year-Students


Educational problems at the higher level highlight the relevance and need for accompaniment to students during their educational trajectories in general, with emphasis on the stage of admission to university, which constitutes a complex interlevel transition. The objective of this article is to present and describe from a qualitative perspective, based on a case study, various actions planned by the Tutoring Team of the Economics’ Department of the National University of the South (Universidad Nacional del Sur, UNS), Bahía Blanca, Argentina, that strengthen support for first-year students, taking into account the social importance of promoting the continuity of educational trajectories. To achieve the objective, it begins with a background review in our country on the problem of entering university, dialoguing with these investigations. Then, a brief t our is made of the context where such actions are deployed, the characterization of the students' profile, the planning and description of the tutorial proposal. Finally, reflections are addressed that emphasize the primary role of support for students and open dialogue to think about innovative and situated tutorial practices that improve trajectories in transition.

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How to Cite
Lis, D., & Tarayre, C. (2024). Relevance of accompaniment to university entrants. Contextualized tutorial actions. RAES - Revista Argentina De Educación Superior, (29), 104-120. Retrieved from