Vulnerable Childhood PVU: a virtual clinical-community work experience in Isla Maciel
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Clinical community/virtuality-device/Isla Maciel/interdisciplinary/infancy/Psichomotrycitiy

How to Cite

Menéndez, L. A., & Soldano Deheza, F. (2023). Vulnerable Childhood PVU: a virtual clinical-community work experience in Isla Maciel. INNOVA UNTREF. Revista Argentina De Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(11). Retrieved from


In this essay we will try to describe the virtual device of clinical-community intervention carried out in Isla Maciel by professors and advanced students of the Psychomotricity career. After locating the territorial context of our practice, we will expose the virtual work implementation and its practice. We will also expand on the interdisciplinary device to present the theoretical framework that supports our practice, locating the problems we address in relation to the construction of childhood. For that reason we will present some theoretical approaches to think about vulnerability and inclusion.

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