The joint planning work for the construction of a Research, Development and innovation (R + D + i) field in Security and Justice will be described as a Case Study. This is promoted, since mid-2016, by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Nation (Mincyt), the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation (Minjus), CONICET and the Ministry of Security of the Nation.
In order to analyse this Case, the initiatives arising from that Planning were analysed in light of some critical issues to promote a public policy based on scientific evidence such as the relationships between academic knowledge and practical knowledge; the practice of multidimensional foresight; specific programs to link scientists with the field of public policies; knowledge and information management; the complex relationships between the organizational cultures of the Police and Security Forces (FFPyS) and the new challenges of public security policies; and innovation laboratories as fundamental areas for the development of new solutions and the practical training of people, in order to face the new challenges mentioned above.
This gives an account of the complexities and multidimensionality that must be faced to promote Public Policies based on Scientific Evidence.