Lack of access to energy is one of the problems that still persist in a large portion of the world population, causing serious health and environmental problems. Distributed generation renewable energies have a great potential as a mitigation tool for this situation.
From the Environmental Engineering degree of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), work has been done on the development of prototypes of solar hot water tanks that can be built with and for populations with unsatisfied energy needs. A prototype was developed and during 2016 was tested with residents of Barrionuevo, in the district of Merlo. During which a series of meetings were held where an energy diagnosis of the neighbourhood was made and a prototype of a solar hot water tank of our own design was built and installed in a neighbourhood Community Centre. This experience confirmed the need and interest that exists to explore alternative and sustainable forms of energy supply in the neighbourhoods. Through the technology transfer mechanism, a rich exchange of knowledge was achieved between the Community and the University. The prototype built had an acceptable performance, although aspects for improvement were observed. During 2017 a new prototype was built with these improvements incorporated. Currently, there is a work in progress for the construction and installation of community solar water heaters in 5 homes in Barrionuevo with energy needs.