Una educación universitaria inclusiva: ¿Mito o realidad?
This theoretical research article analyzes the current state of educational inclusion in the field of higher education, reviewing the antecedents. In this line, the type of barriers faced by students with special educational needs have been observed, as well as the challenges that inclusive education must overcome in order to achieve an optimum degree of effectiveness.
On the other hand, taking into consideration several aspects related to inclusion, the educational practices that are most effective in addressing diversity in higher education were discussed. The use of active methodologies and inclusive didactic resources, as well as the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, have been positively highlighted.
Finally, a final reflection has been developed to determine whether the efforts being made to achieve educational inclusion in the university environment are in line with the educational needs of its students, according to the parameters of the students themselves.
This discussion has reflected that there is a generalized lack of knowledge regarding the perceptions that university students with educational needs themselves have about their own inclusion, as well as the effectiveness, or type, of the measures that are being put in place.
This discussion has reflected that there is a general lack of knowledge about the perceptions that university students with educational needs have about their own inclusion, as well as about the effectiveness, or type, of the measures that are being implemented. Consequently, more studies that actively involve this group in the research process are needed.
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