Talleres de psicomotricidad para embarazadas. Pensando en intervenciones con adultos en el ámbito de promoción de salud
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Health Promotion

How to Cite

Cassano, A. F. (2020). Talleres de psicomotricidad para embarazadas. Pensando en intervenciones con adultos en el ámbito de promoción de salud. INNOVA UNTREF. Revista Argentina De Ciencia Y Tecnología. Retrieved from https://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/innova/article/view/884


The Psychomotor Practice has evolved towards the attention of new recipients of our work, adults. With them, new questions are being opened that invite us to think, to confront, to elaborate our own semiology. In this case, we are interested in investigating certain aspects of the woman's body function during the time of pregnancy.
The main objective is to think about the posture and its re-organization in the body of pregnant women, from the observation of the position of women who attended the Maternal and Child Center No. 1.
The observations show that the postural change in the pregnant woman is evident when participating in a space in which bonds of trust and shared interests are created. Through the intervention, not naive, of the psychomotricist, relations with others were affected, creating a framework, a text of their own, where the word that appeared silenced, took place to be heard. The psychomotricist position interpellates, supports and officiates as a body mediator. It is in this articulation that the therapeutic work shows its effectiveness, modifying those postures that remained fixed, immobile, in subtle movement, rearrangements and reorganizations that set in motion the bodily display, in a different way, of greater amplitude -quality, warmth-. A time for encounters and disagreements, plot in which to be able to take hold of one's own and give rise to differences. Time and spaces enabled by the look and the listening of the psychomotricist.
We believe that investigating these questions is a way to build a source of information for further studies in the field of psychomotricity, in addition to enabling the field of psychomotor intervention, in Health Promotion, to be extended to women during the time of pregnancy.
Make public the results of this research, seeks to create spaces for interdisciplinary communication, so that professionals involved in the care of pregnant women, can consider psychomotricity as a viable approach to promote this process is transited in the most healthy possible.

this process is transited in the most healthy possible.

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