In recent years in Argentina, labor cooperatives are emerging and consolidating, dedicated to providing care and social assistance services to people with various types of dependency and vulnerability (older adults, early childhood, people with disabilities). They arise in a self-managed way, in response to the need for work of different community groups, especially women, who have organized themselves to meet this need, thus occupying a growing area of service provision for which the State fails to generate adequate public policies. Simultaneously these organizations are responding to a growing social problem: caring for partially or totally dependent people. Faced with the novelty of these organizations, a group of public universities (UNQ, UNLa, Untref, UDC) collectively generated an applied research project, whose main axis is to articulate the production of knowledge together with the accompaniment in the process of forming these cooperatives. This article intends to contextualize and present the current status of the work cooperatives that provide various care services, from a gender perspective as well as to raise the perspectives (with their potential, difficulties and challenges) and place the role of the public policy for the strengthening and consolidation of these initiatives.