Distancias cercanas y diferencias encontradas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. El caso de los adultos y las adultas que viven en las calles. 1997 - 2011
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How to Cite

Boy, M. (2020). Distancias cercanas y diferencias encontradas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. El caso de los adultos y las adultas que viven en las calles. 1997 - 2011. Ciudadanías. Revista De Políticas Sociales Urbanas, (1). Retrieved from http://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/ciudadanias/article/view/547
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In this article, we will discuss the limitations in the field of urban sociology to ponder on the encounter of class othernesses that recreates processes of social inequality. Several authors have written about the process of residential segregation that the City of Buenos Aires went through as from the deepening of neoliberalism in the 1990s. However, I consider that academic studies have not said enough about how the social, political and economic crisis has altered the urban landscape and how different groups of poor people reoccupied central areas of the city to develop survival strategies in the urban space. In this way, I will try to think upon how adults who live in the streets also devise uses and meanings of the same downtown area.

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