Myanmar: un abordaje de los discursos de odio hacia los Rohingyas
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discourses – social media – mediatization – Rohingya - Myanmar

How to Cite

Gissara, E. N. (2022). Myanmar: un abordaje de los discursos de odio hacia los Rohingyas. Revista De Estudios Sobre Genocidio, 17, 38-56. Retrieved from


On August 25, 2017, the Myanmar Army led a systematic violent operation against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan territories. This event was called “clearance operations” and, according United Nations, was based on four pillars: the murder of civilians, sexual violence, rhetoric of ethnic-religious exclusion, and impunity. However, these actions took place in a scenario of growing hostility that found in platforms and social media the ideal environment for the dissemination of disqualifying messages and false information about the Rohingyas. In Myanmar, social media have become mouthpieces for hate speech and bubbles of sense loaded with intolerance and racism. This paper tries to identify the discursive frameworks generated by religious organizations, political, institutional and military leaders that fueled a historical conflict, exacerbated differences in society and shaped hate speech, so that all kinds of abuses, hate crimes and even genocide were openly perpetrated.

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