El trabajo en la economía popular. Reflexiones en torno al sujeto, la organización y el uso del espacio público en las ferias populares de Rosario
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How to Cite

Madoery, M. (2020). El trabajo en la economía popular. Reflexiones en torno al sujeto, la organización y el uso del espacio público en las ferias populares de Rosario. Ciudadanías. Revista De Políticas Sociales Urbanas, (6). Retrieved from http://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/ciudadanias/article/view/505
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The objective of this article is to problematize stigmatizing views of work experiences in the popular fairs of the city of Rosario, which associate them mainly to lack or illegality, to explore the modes of socio-labor insertion, solidarity practices, disputes and implications of the use of public space as a workspace, and the generation of proper mechanisms of organization and operation that are generated there.

Although they have antecedents, popular fairs represent a social phenomenon of incipient conformation, about which there is not enough specific bibliographic production. The results presented in this article arise from an exploratory-descriptive investigation, which was based on field work with participant observation and interviews with workers and referents from two of these fairs.

The article presents four reflections ordered according to the aforementioned axes, understanding fairs as one of the expressions of work within the popular economy, and analyzing their territorial peculiarities and socio-urban plots.

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