Del Estado garante al Estado acreedor. Una propuesta analítica para abordar la financiarización de la Política Social basada en el caso argentino (2015-2019)
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Social Policy, Financialization, Argentina, Cambiemos.

How to Cite

Nougués, T. (2023). Del Estado garante al Estado acreedor. Una propuesta analítica para abordar la financiarización de la Política Social basada en el caso argentino (2015-2019). Ciudadanías. Revista De Políticas Sociales Urbanas, (11). Retrieved from
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the financialization of social policy during Cambiemos administration. To this end, we combine elements from financialization studies with contributions from the literature on social policies. We propose an analytical matrix tailored to capture the third order changes driven by financialization and we apply to three social programs: the Programa Nacional de Microcréditos, Créditos ANSES and Mejor Hogar. The paper shows that financialization has an impact on the welfare matrix and produces changes on the management of social policy. During this period, the State shifts its role as a collateral to a role as a creditor of social policy users by the delivery of credit to meet welfare goals.

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