Familismo, obligaciones filiales y género: Representaciones socioculturales del cuidado de personas mayores en Chile
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filial obligations, care regimes, gender, sociocultural aspects, aging

How to Cite

Fernández Lorca, M. B. (2023). Familismo, obligaciones filiales y género: Representaciones socioculturales del cuidado de personas mayores en Chile . Ciudadanías. Revista De Políticas Sociales Urbanas, (13). Retrieved from https://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/ciudadanias/article/view/1931
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This article sought to describe comparatively the beliefs about filial obligations that Chile, familialism country, has, and to determine how the association between gender and socioeconomic level, from an intersectional approach, can affect the beliefs about these obligations. It is evident that both Chile and the Latin American region present high levels of agreement with the responsibility of children to care for their parents, while Chilean women with lower incomes and inactive at work also have a higher assessment of this duty.

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