Plan trianual de capacitación docente para el Nivel Primario en CABA: de cómo una política se vuelve situada

  • Mariana Frechtel IICE, FFyL, UBA
Keywords: educational policy, teacher training, situated training, teacher work, pedagogy


This paper aims to provide an analysis of the ways of signifying the situated within a specific policy implemented in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires since 2017: the "Three-Year Teacher Training Plan for Primary Education." Within the framework of a federal education system, the text seeks to investigate how the situated is referred to at the national and jurisdictional levels, and what lines of continuity and ruptures can be identified between the jurisdictional training proposal and the policies governing teacher training at the national level since the creation of the National Institute for Teacher Training in 2006. Using a post-structuralist theoretical and methodological approach, the conclusions reveal that the development of the Three-Year Plan does not entail an approach or pedagogical perspective that aligns linearly with the official national discourses that characterized the 2015-2019 period - during which the proposal was developed. On the contrary, it engages in a discourse that challenges and constructs opposing meanings by drawing from what could be considered residual elements, illustrating the circulation of meanings within the pedagogical field.

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How to Cite
Frechtel, M. (2023). Plan trianual de capacitación docente para el Nivel Primario en CABA: de cómo una política se vuelve situada. Revista Latinoamericana De Políticas Y Administración De La Educación, (19), 128-140. Retrieved from
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