Dispositivos de evaluación de los aprendizajes en el nivel secundario desde la sanción de la obligatoriedad hasta la crisis del COVID-19. Cambios y continuidades en la Provincia de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

  • Marisa Alvarez
  • Cecilia Catarin
  • Alberto Iardelevsky
  • Milagros Deluca
  • Cristian Ríos
Keywords: econdary education, management systems, evaluation, covid-19


Since the enactment of the National Education Law No. 26,206, which established compulsory schooling until the completion of the secondary level, jurisdictions have assumed important goals to expand coverage and have implemented important transformations in the structure and academic regime. This transformation agenda has been impacted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this research we inquired about the transformations in relation to the evaluation mechanisms in two jurisdictions, based on the regulations and the supervisors' viewpoint. With this objective in mind, we analyzed the provisions of the regulations and policy instruments at the national level and in the selected jurisdictions, related to the evaluation, grading and accreditation of individual learning and promotion. The fieldwork included semi-structured interviews with supervisors from these jurisdictions. The methods used made it possible to investigate the changes and tensions that occurred in the use and appropriation of different evaluation tools or devices from the perspective of these actors. The exploration made it possible to inquire about the impact of the

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How to Cite
Alvarez, M., Catarin, C., Iardelevsky, A., Deluca, M., & Ríos, C. (2023). Dispositivos de evaluación de los aprendizajes en el nivel secundario desde la sanción de la obligatoriedad hasta la crisis del COVID-19. Cambios y continuidades en la Provincia de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Revista Latinoamericana De Políticas Y Administración De La Educación, (18), 186-208. Retrieved from https://revistas.untref.edu.ar/index.php/relapae/article/view/1584
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